Lok Adalat under ADR

Lok Adalat under ADR

Lok Adalat is called People’s Court in English, it is completely based on the principles of Gandhism. In today’s time, it is an essential part of our country’s judicial system. It is part of ADR, which resolves the pending cases in the court or disputes that can be settled quickly and well. In this, most of the cases are settled by mutual consent. It works as an alternative way to settle cases for the general public or for those who find it very difficult to bear or proceed with the legal process. Today we will talk about Lok Adalat in detail through this article.

Introduction to Lok Adalat

The history of Lok Adalat is linked to ancient times. In old times, the cases of people were settled at a small level by the Panchayats. According to the Supreme Court, Lok Adalat is an old form of the ancient judicial system, whose validity is fully intact even in today’s time. Today it is one of the components of ADR. For the first time, Lok Adalat was organized in the year 1982 as a reconciliation agency. Then gradually it became popular and was given the status of Lok Adalat under the Act 1987. NALSA organises Lok Adalats with institutions.

It is a judicial process in which the cases of both parties are settled with the consent of both parties. In this, the judge, the representatives of both the parties and the advocates together find a solution to a case. Any case which is pending in any court or any case which is not brought before any court is included in this. Marital or family disputes and land acquisition cases come under this.

Features of Lok Adalat

Quick justice

The biggest advantage of this court is that all the cases coming to it are decided or settled very quickly. In this, a quick settlement happens because both the parties are face to face and the judge, after listening to both parties, decides there itself without any date. It takes a lot of time to settle any case in the regular courts because their process is long.

Free procedure

Lok Adalat is mainly made for the poor and weaker sections of society. No fee is charged for hearing any case in it. With its help, one gets rid of the long legal procedure and heavy fees.

Settlement of case by mutual consent

In Lok Adalat, all cases are decided by mutual consent of both parties. In this, no party loses because any decision is taken by consent of both.

Saving time

In today’s time, if anything is of utmost importance, then it is time. In regular courts, any case takes a lot of time to be heard. But in Lok Adalat, any case is settled very quickly. This saves both time and money. In regular courts, it takes more time and money.

The working system of Lok Adalat

Formation of Lok Adalat

It is formed at the district level. In this process of ADR, there is a judge along with two social workers and the main representatives of both parties. The main role of the judge in this is only that of a guide, he just shows the way to both the parties that this can happen in your case. In the end, he gets the reconciliation done between both parties.

Selection of cases

Cases are selected for Lok Adalat in which it seems that both parties can reach a compromise, or the matter can be resolved by getting a compromise done. Apart from this, civil, matrimonial or land dispute cases are resolved in Lok Adalat. Mainly only those cases come in these which can be settled. No big criminal case of any kind is resolved in this.

Hearing process

The hearing process is very simple. During the hearing, both the parties are given full opportunity to present their side. They present their side and their evidence. The judge and both the social workers listen to both the parties properly and after listening to them, they motivate both of them to reach a compromise. When both parties agree, then a compromise letter is made and both of them sign this paper. This is how it is settled in Lok Adalat.

Recognition of the decision

Whatever decision is taken in this process, is completely legally recognized. Its importance is equal to the decision taken by a court.

Importance of Lok Adalat

Access to all

The biggest objective of Lok Adalat is to make justice available to the poor and those who are unable to come to the court. Due to this, people from poor sections are also able to take advantage of it, which increases people’s faith in the law.

Peaceful settlement

In this, disputes are settled by mutual consent. Which is done peacefully or without any fight. Its advantage is that peace remains in the society.

Reducing the burden of the justice system

If we look at today’s time, there is a lot of burden on our judicial system. Even now many cases have been pending for many years. Lok Adalat has reduced the burden of the judicial system to a great extent.

Establishment of social justice

The establishment of Lok Adalat has given a big boost to the feeling of justice in society. With its help, many people from poor sections have received quick justice. Due to this justice has been established in society.

Challenges of Lok Adalat

Limited area

The area of ​​justice in Lok Adalat is very low. Only those cases are settled in it which can be compromised. It means that only small cases have been resolved in it till now.

Lack of awareness

Even today people in rural areas know very little about it. Due to lack of awareness people are deprived of taking advantage of it.

Lack of resources

Even today there are many places where resources are not sufficient to set up this process of ADR. These resources are lack of judges, and lack of social workers. Not getting the right place on time.


Lok Adalat is an integral part of an ADR system. With the help of which disputes which can be decided by compromise and are pending for a long time are settled in a short time. People have a greater faith in justice due to this. It has also reduced a lot of burden on our judicial system. It is very important to make people aware of this so that a maximum number of people can take advantage of it. Our country is in dire need of systems like Lok Adalat and Arbitration, only then will our judicial system be strong.

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