8 Tips for Effective Legal Writing

8 Tips for Effective Legal Writing: Compose Clear & Persuasive Legal Documents

Legal writing is extremely important for your success in both academics & career. This skill helps you create many different kinds of legal documents, including contracts, legal briefs, legal arguments or points of view, & many others.  Effective legal writing is essential because it helps you explain complicated legal ideas in a simple way.  You […]

11th Schedule of Indian Constitution

11th Schedule of Indian Constitution

The 11th Schedule Of Indian Constitution is key to local governance in India. It was added by the 73rd Amendment Act of 1992. This change aimed to give more power to local bodies. The schedule lists the duties and powers of Panchayats. These are important for rural development. Knowing the 11th Schedule helps in effective

The 106th Constitutional Amendment Act: Everything Explained

The 106th Constitutional Amendment Act: Everything Explained

In India, women have not held more than 10 percent of Lok Sabha seats in the first fourteen elections from 1952 to 2004. This shows a clear need for changes in the constitution to help women in politics. The 106th Constitutional Amendment Act, or Women Reservation Act, aims to give women more political power. It’s

Civil Rights Attorney

Civil Rights Attorney: Protecting Your Rights

Many people in the United States face civil rights violations each year. Sadly, many cases are not reported. As a civil rights law firm, we believe it’s crucial to have a lawyer who can protect your rights. This includes cases of workplace discrimination, police misconduct, housing discrimination, and educational rights. Our team of experienced attorneys

73rd Amendment of Indian Constitution
Constitutional Law

73rd Amendment of Indian Constitution – Power to People

Have you ever thought about how local governance in India has changed? The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 was a big step towards giving power to the people at the local level. But what did this important law do, and how has it changed rural development and self-governance in India? Let’s explore the story

Features of the Rome Convention

Features of the Rome Convention

The Rome Convention, formally known as the “Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations,” was established in 1961. This international treaty aims to safeguard the rights of performers (such as actors, musicians, and dancers), producers of phonograms (like music recordings), and broadcasting organizations. The convention provides a framework for

Intellectual Property Rights
Blogs, IPR

Nature, Concept and Theories of Intellectual Property Rights

Property was said to be classified as movable or immovable during the ancient era. But with the impact of the Industrial Revolution and rapid changes in science, technology, and culture, a new term of definition of property came into existence called ‘Intellectual Property’. New rights and properties like patents, copyrights, and designs are exclusively under

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