Just when this was announced as a pandemic,
the “lockdown explicated.”
It brought about value for the loved one’s,
value in their care and their love.
Lockdown is like an eclipse,
Which prevails for a time and while and
drills our brain with the value of time.
We are filled with emotions,
Looking for help and looking forward to helping the needy.
It immensely satisfies our heart and soul,
not everyone is sailing in the same boat.
Few are looking for a job,
To get the normal phase of life, while few of them are
having a bowl of popcorn in their hand’s binge-watching
Friday release, series or shows with their friends.
Pandemic might seem like hell for a few,
Rest might be having a good Masterchef life.
The remaining are roaming here and there just
to get a two-time meal for themselves.
Lockdown explicates,
Value for money, the value of money comes by.
Few are shopping in a mall,
enjoying their lavish lifestyle all over again.
The rest are working in a hassle to get a pair of dress
for themselves or their family or children.
Life is not the same for everyone out here.
We are not sailing in the same boat dude!
Enjoying a florescent life,
Hanging with our friends,
Planning for a goa trip or anything as such,
it’s not what we are doing or wishing to do for now.
We are at a peak and it’s worse than the worst.
We are balancing our expenses with our income.
Many people around the world are bound to beg for work,
Travelling again on a local train,
Getting some bread and butter for instance.
Lockdown explicates,
Value of our servants and
Their hard work and loyalty come by.
Still, we are not sailing in the same boat.
You might get a new servant but,
It’s difficult for them to search for a new master.
Can we not welcome them again,
With some bonus and bring them a smile on their face?
Lockdown explicates,
This time-
You are your boss!
It is okay to enjoy your company.
But, you might need your friends and families.
Yeah! Most of us for this, are sailing in the same boat.
Busy in our life,
Busy with our work.
I understand.
But, just remember,
Get some time and At least,
Call your friends and family members.
It is okay if you are the first one to call.
Lockdown has already taught us a lot,
it is giving all of us some beautiful memories
Along with a lot of lessons too.
BY- Simmi Bubna| Banasthali Vidyapith
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