Social Issues

Poem, Social Issues

Animals are the real companions

When you are alone and, Trying to make contact with people but, somehow it fails as the world is full of hypocrites But at the next door, Your own friend, Your animals or pets, The birds are there to hear you. Those voiceless tiny friends, Who are always there for you, They are innocent. “They […]

Poem, Current Issues, Social Issues, Trending

The Real Me Is Lost?

I’m fed up of everything and everyone. I am done. I want no one.  My soul is tired. Body is exhausted.  My heart is shrunk and shrivelled. I’ve lost the strength to face this fake world, That’s why I don’t want to get merged. 

Poem, Current Issues, Mental Health Problems, Social Issues

Lockdown Explicates

Just when this was announced as a pandemic,
the “lockdown explicated.”
It brought about value for the loved one’s,
value in their care and their love.
Lockdown is like an eclipse,
Which prevails for a time and while and
drills our brain with the value of time.
We are filled with emotions,
Looking for help and looking forward to helping the needy.
It immensely satisfies our heart and soul,
not everyone is sailing in the same boat.

Blogs, Current Issues, Social Issues, Trending, What's New

Marital rape- An Oxymoron?

The general meaning of rape can be understood as unlawful and forced sexual intercourse. Merriam Webster defines it as an illegal sexual activity committed by force or due to threat of injury and is against the will of the victim or someone incapable of giving consent due to mental disability, disorder, and unconsciousness.
The term’s legal definition, in the context of its consideration under Indian laws, has been codified under Section 375[1] of Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Blogs, Current Issues, Social Issues, Trending

Marijuana – Should It Be Legalised In India

Marijuana, also known as ‘Vijaya’, is termed to be one of the five sacred plants existing on earth and yet it is not legal in India. Marijuana is a form of drug which is made from the leaves and flowers of cannabis which produces the feeling of being relaxed when consumed either by smoking or eating. However, why is marijuana not legal in India? And even after that, why do we consume it on the joyous occasions of Holi (bhang) and Maha Shivratri (thandai)?

Poem, Social Issues

The Dilemma of Unemployment

Times have changed,
And the governments too.
Problems remain the same and sane
but, panacea none or few?

Every time the discussions are the same-
Of water, employment or anything like them.
Most of the pledges yet not completed,
the nation is suffering from