Personal Laws

Blogs, Personal Laws

Underage Marriages: An Unnecessary Social Evil

Child marriage has been a glaring failiure of the institution of marriage as it stands today. Despite there being laws enacted prohibiting matrimony in children; an incredibly high incidence of child marriages still subsists. Before their 18th birthday, 27 percent of girls in India are married and 7 percent are married before the age of […]

Blogs, Personal Laws

Personal Laws: Related to Religion in India

Personal Laws became one of the quintessential factors that develops a society based on culture and religiously diverse equanimity towards the society. Personal laws refer to those codified laws of the land that have laid emphasis on the development of the cultural and religious practices which have been followed since time immemorial and have been

Personal Laws

Equality in the Muslim Law of Marriage

Introduction  The Muslim marriage in India is governed by uncodified or unwritten set of rules, the interpretation of this readings of the rules were said to be derived from the Holy Quran[1]. These personal laws do not have a particular legislation, they are said to be derived by relying on the observations by various jurists.

Personal Laws, Blogs

Sources of Islamic Law

INTRODUCTION If a  rather reductionist synoptic may be allowed, Islam may perhaps be the comparison between the three Abrahamic sects, placed halfway between what might be considered legalistic Judaism and theological Christianity.[1] That’s because it’s almost unquestioned in modern Islam that it is only lawful to determine the will of God expressed in the Quran

Blogs, Family Law, Personal Laws

Grounds of Divorce for Women in India

India is a diverse country with different religions therefore divorce is considered as a personal matter. Each religion has its own set of laws related to the grounds of divorce. In this article, the author will be giving a general description of the various grounds and how each of them affects the different religions in

Blogs, Personal Laws

Divorce and Judicial Separation: Trends and Differences

Marriage in the Indian society holds a very revered place. This reverence thereafter shapes our family laws where a married couple has more legal rights and protection than any other kind of civil union between two individuals for private purposes. Hence, attempting to keep the arrangement alive for the couple without any compelling reasons may

Blogs, Personal Laws, What's New

Concept of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

In Ancient India, Hindu marriage created an inseparable relationship between the husband and wife. Due to it’s sacred nature, the Dharma Shastra does not agree with the view that a wife could abandon her husband. According to them, marriage is an indissoluble tie created between spouses. Manu said that  remarriage of Hindu women is not

Blogs, Personal Laws


It is said in various instances that “once a daughter is always a daughter, a son is a son until he gets married.” But when it comes to rights, sons are given preference. It is also the case in terms of property. Daughters were not given the right to be a coparcener in the Hindu