Healthcare Laws

Blogs, Healthcare Laws

Healthcare for Prisoners

Healthcare facility is an intrinsic and indispensable part for every prisoner irrespective of the gravity of crime for which he/she has been convicted. Though the prisoners are contained in a closed environment, they are entitled to their basic Fundamental and Human Rights. The prisoners are sent to prison as punishment but it should not have […]

Healthcare Laws, Blogs

Arogya Setu: Right to Health v. Right to Privacy

The Global covid-19 outbreak has resulted in an unabated and unprecedented health crisis all over the world. The right to health in eventuality became a contested right worldwide in the backdrop of the present pandemic situation. The Right to Health has been read into Right to Life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution

Blogs, Healthcare Laws

Mystical Code of Medical Jurisprudence

Medical Jurisprudence is outlined as a branch of Sociological Jurisprudence. Medical Jurisprudence or legitimate medication is the part of science and medication including the investigation and use of logical and clinical information to lawful issues, for example, examinations, and in the field of law. As present-day medication is a lawful creation, controlled by the state,

Blogs, Healthcare Laws

Healthcare Scenario in India

The present healthcare system in India is not adequate to deal with the needs and requirements of the current population. The Indian healthcare system is growing at a rapid pace and both the Central and the State governments are taking all the necessary steps to ensure that the highest quality of healthcare services and drugs are available at government hospitals. Healthcare, both in terms of revenue and employment, has been one of India’s largest industries. Hospitals, medical supplies, clinical trials, outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical equipment are included in healthcare. 

Blogs, Healthcare Laws, What's New

Arogya Setu: Right to Health v. Right to Privacy

The data collection by the Arogya Setu App has triggered a series of questions including: whether the data collected thereof is secured with government agencies? Whether the right to health of the public at large prevail over an individual’s right to privacy? Whether the right to privacy could be waived by the state to secure the right to health? These queries need immediate attention of the government when the App itself is argued to be the subject of varied sorts of security issues.

Blogs, Health, Healthcare Laws

Right to Emergency Medical Services in India – Where Do We Stand?

Emergency Medical Service (hereinafter, as EMS) is a branch of emergency services dedicated to providing out-of-hospital acute medical care and/or transport to definitive care, to patients with illnesses and injuries which the patient, or the medical practitioner, believes constitutes a medical emergency.[1] EMS constitutes an important element in determining the right to health of an